About Me

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35 year old female. I am married to a beautiful man who brings out the best in me. We have 2 gorgeous dogs who brighten our days, especially mine when my husband travels. I studied Social Work as a mature age student, followed by Family Therapy and have worked in the field as a counsellor in the drug and alcohol field with youth and families for the past 5 years (currently on a break to take care of me rather than others). I am sincere, caring, loving, honest, trust worthy, animal loving, a dreamer, generous, fun and I don't give up even when I want to!

Friday 16 September 2011

Blogging Challenge... Introduce myself!

The beautiful Kath from www.courage2start.blogspot.com has challenged 12WBTers to a blogging challenge, so here I am bearing all!

This weeks blogging challenge is to introduce myself via these questions...

1. Describe yourself in 25 words or less. You can get straight to the point - or bring your creativity into play. Hmmm I am finally finding my feet in the world and working out who I am/want to be. Oh and I smile alot!

2. What brings you to 12wbt? Getting fitter? Losing weight? (Gaining weight??) Are you first timer, a repeat offender?? Originally I joined 12WBT round 1 this year as I was bringing truth to my life and one of those truths was my weight (the fact that there was way too much of it) and I needed help and guidence to loose some of it. Well round 1 & 2 have helped me loose 15kgs and as I still have another 25kgs or more to loose I am back for another round! I also joined round 3 for the support from other 12wbters who have now become part of my family!

3. Why do you blog?? When I started this blog it was more to get my story as part of my journey to truth, then I freaked out and stopped writting. Now I am picking up from here and now and focusing on the 12WBT program and my journey to health and happiness!

4. Who is your biggest inspiration in life and why (doesn't have to be weight loss) I have many inspirational people in my life... mainly my friends whom I have met through the 12WBT program. Their journies have been difficult and inspirational and I admire them for where they are and who they make me want to be!

5. What things in life bring you the most joy? My friends who see me for whom I want to be, who inspire me to be the best person I possibly can be. My husband and fur babies bring me many joys too! I am happiest when I am with my friends, husband and dogs in nature having fun!

6.What do you think your greatest challenge is going to be this round? My mindset will probably be my worst enemy... especially when I am in the USA and away from all my supportive friends whom I have built an amazing network with and whom I exercise with.

7. What are you most excited about 12wbt? Loosing more weight and feeling healthier!

8. And what scares the pants off you? Failure... and not believing in myself... but I am working on it!

9. Tell me - right now - today - how do you feel about exercise in no more than 10 words Love it when I feel good and in good mindframe.

10. Complete this sentence - in 12 weeks time - on the last day of 12wbt I am going to be feeling amazing after running 4ks!!!

So there you go, that is pretty much bout me and 12WBT!!


I'm back!

Ok so I have been hiding away from blogging for a while as soo much has been happening and there is just soo much to process so did not know where to even begin. So rather than rehashing everything I am just going to start from here and now!
I am in such a good place at the moment, working hard with my therapist, working hard with my PT, trying to get my food under control and hubby, dogs and I are moving to the USA next month... !!!
Like I said there is heaps going on :)
So to keep me accountable and in check I have decided to do another round of 12WBT (my third round!) which will carry me into the relocation to Houston Texas mid/late October.
I have accepted a blogging challenge from Kath... so watch out for my next blog!!
